Dear Freudian Slip!
Dear Freudian Slip,
I am a 16-year-old in high school and I have no idea what to do with my life. I don't know how I want to dress, who my real group of friends are, or even what I want to be when I grow up. It seems like everyone else around me has figured it all out and I'm the lone wolf still trying to learn things. How do I find all of this out like everyone else has?
Unborne Identity
Dear Unborne Identity,
It is very common for teenagers to find themselves. Many of them still don't know who they are, even if it seems like they do. In fact, famous psychologist Erik Erikson said this is the main part of developent in teenagers: Identity vs. Role Confusion. It is essential that you just keep on trying new "yous." Eventually, you will have to find out which one is the real you. To do this, simply try out different sports, go for the school play, meet all different kinds of people that share the same interests as you. Wear new clothes, change your room, do anything that would fit you. However, it is important that you find your true self and not the self that fits in with a certain crowd.
Yours truly,
Freudian Slip
Passage by Christopher Piparo