AOSIS Magazine Issue #1 PAF Recap | Page 4

AOSIS — THE PLACENCIA AMBITION FORUM RECAP 1 PARTICIPANTS | DAY APRIL 20, 2020 PLENARY CHAIR Lois M. Young Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Belize to the United Nations. SPECIAL GUEST MESSAGE His Excellency Mr. António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Gonzalo Muñoz High-Level Climate Champion, Chile. CHAIR: Carlos Fuller, Lead Negotiator for Climate Change, AOSIS. WELCOME: Omar Figueroa, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, and Sustainable Development. HIGH-LEVEL MESSAGES: Alok Sharma, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and COP 26 President, United Kingdom. Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment and COP 25 President, Chile. Sergio Costa, Minister of Environment, Italy. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. HIGH-LEVEL PARTICIPATION FROM: Hussein Rasheed Hassan, Minister of Environment, Maldives. Satyendra Prasad, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Fiji to the UN. Tina Stege, Climate Envoy to the President, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Kavydass Ramano, Minister of Environment, Mauritius. Kosi Latu, Director-General, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Brune Poirson, Minister of State, France. THEMATIC BREAKOUT GROUPS KEYNOTE SPEAKER Rt. Honourable Dean Oliver Barrow Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Belize. 4 ENERGY: Facilitator – Minoru Takada, Team Leader (Energy Division), UN DESA. TRANSPORT: Facilitator – Monica Araya, Transport Lead, Climate Champions. ADAPTATION & BUILDING RESILIENCE: Facilitator – James Fletcher, Managing Director, Soloricon Ltd. FINANCING AMBITION: Facilitator – Gonzalo Muñoz, High-Level Climate Champion, Chile.