AOSIS Magazine Issue #1 PAF Recap | Page 3

AOSIS — THE PLACENCIA AMBITION FORUM RECAP INTRODUCTION “PAF Recap” is a multimedia compilation of highlights from the Placencia Ambition Forum (PAF). PAF Recap features central themes, messages, lessons and commitments explored during the virtual event. PAF was hosted by the Government of Belize, in its capacity as Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), on April 20 to 22. The Forum brought together major actors in the climate change negotiations around a central theme of increasing ambition and a focus on safeguarding the Paris Agreement. PAF, which was originally slated to be held in the southern Belizean town of Placencia, demonstrated island leadership in “Keeping the Drumbeat of Ambition Alive” amidst global uncertainty. PAF highlighted the direct connections between systemic shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. COVID-19 magnifies the importance of key island priorities for the global climate change agenda. The radical curtailment in transport and steep decline in energy demand are signals that change is possible. Transparency will be critical, and collaboration essential, to eliminate barriers to known solutions. This is an opportunity for a global reset to maximize results for people and the planet. The Forum provided a global stage for AOSIS members and others to highlight synergies between the disruption of COVID-19 and climate change. It also showcased how responses to COVID-19 can strengthen the case for more sustainable climate action and ambition in the lead up to COP26 and beyond. Amidst a sparse and uncertain global climate change calendar, the virtual staging of PAF is consistent with over 30 years of island leadership in “Keeping the Drumbeat of Ambition Alive.” 3