AOSIS Magazine Issue #1 PAF Recap | Page 11

AOSIS — THE PLACENCIA AMBITION FORUM RECAP EXCERPT FROM PAF DECLARATION “Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) convened the Placencia Ambition Forum to focus on the climate crisis that abounds. We have given a voice to those who stand to lose the most, our vulnerable local communities, our indigenous peoples and our young people. We heard their cries. We have called for immediate climate action. We have filed the case for why we must accelerate inclusive whole- of-society green transitions and why we must do so now as the world prepares to resuscitate global financial and economic systems.” “The science is clear. In order to have a chance to limit global warming to 1.5°C, we must peak emissions in this decade and reach net zero by the middle of the century. Small Iisland Ddeveloping States are doing our part. What we lack in resources and capacity, we make up for in determination. We resolved to submit NDCs in 2020 and we committed to long term, low emission strategies. We expressly undertook to pursue the initiatives needed to move to actual net zero emissions by 2050. Both our demands and our commitments stand.” “The Placencia Ambition Forum has served to regain some buoyancy in the plight for greater climate ambition and climate justice. Many have shared creative ideas and strategies, innovative finance options, and forthright commitments for partnerships to support ambitious targets in key sectors that will enhance the resilience of our countries.” must be the year that will yield hope for humanity and security for our planet. On this day, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, The Alliance of Small Island States through this Placencia Ambition Forum sends you a message of hope, one of recovery and one of redemption for the planetfor planet and for people.” The AOSIS’ Chair full PAF declaration can be viewed here. “We urge all countries attending the Petersberg Dialogue to raise your voices in affirmation of the Paris Agreement and to announce new ambitious NDCs. We urge them and others to follow through in the near term with more announcements of ambition and action. Finally, we urge our hosts of the pre-COP and COP26 itself to provide us with a Roadmap for Political Momentum to propel the climate agenda forward and move us assuredly toward a successful Glasgow Conference in 2021.” “The radical upheaval that now defines our world must be met with equally radical actions. 2020 must be the Year of Ambition. It 11