AOSIS Magazine Issue #1 PAF Recap | Page 10

AOSIS — THE PLACENCIA AMBITION FORUM RECAP OPPORTUNITIES 1 Through the response to the COVID-19 crisis, there is potential to address climate change, by factoring climate targets into stimulus packages which would enable transition to greener, cleaner and more resilient societies. Accelerated expansion of renewable energy capabilities in SIDS and LDCs are consistent with efforts to bolster the sustainable water and energy supply needed for medical, domestic and agricultural purposes that this pandemic has exposed. 2 Collaboration and engagement with the private sector are critical for increasing NDC investment, especially in terms of encouraging private sector investment, and helping the private sector to understand the impacts of climate change on their shareholders. It is necessary to unlock private finance as it is instrumental in implementing ambitious climate plans. 3 The Petersburg Dialogue provides another platform to discuss enhancement of climate ambition. Additionally, the Youth4Climate Summit will take place in Milan, enabling youth to provide innovative and new ideas to address climate change. 2 Following the Placencia Ambition Forum, the drumbeat of ambition must be sustained and elevated, leading up to COP 26 and beyond. This is necessary to close the gap between where we are now, and where we need to be to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 3 There is a need to mobilize additional climate financing commensurate with the 1.5°C goal, coupled with the need to re-evaluate and restructure global financial systems to improve financial flows and access to finance, in order for all countries to meet the collective goals of the Paris Agreement. Concessional financing and blended financing are options available to help overcome these hurdles, and will also entice the private sector by de-risking investments. 4 The intersecting Climate Change and COVID-19 crises have placed the world at a unique crossroads, where decisions must be taken to address both challenges simultaneously. The stimulus packages and other responses to COVID-19 should be aligned with climate targets, and enable transition to greener, cleaner and more resilient societies. Self-determination has to be at the core of this process to ensure implementation is fit for purpose. FINAL TAKEAWAYS 1 The Placencia Ambition Forum concluded on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. It marks another historic milestone in over 30 years of advocacy by SIDS for the protection of our planet, and the future of its most vulnerable people. The world must unite and join these efforts. 10 5 To address the unprecedented challenges we face today, global solidarity is required for a united and inclusive response involving governments, civil society, private sector and all relevant stakeholders. In doing so, we must ensure the voices of indigenous people, local communities, women, youth and the most vulnerable are amplified and heard.