recently met with tremendous spiritual results his church and community. Randy Bonner asked if
he might come more than once, possible for 3e Discipleship Series on October 1 st . This would be
a good introduction.
May 2018
1. The Ministry Development Team of the CrossNet Baptist Network met on Wednesday, May 2,
2018 at the CrossNet office at 10:00 a.m. with 11 in attendance.
2. Prayer requests were made and Bo Dunkle led in prayer.
3. Randy Bonner thanked everyone for the prayers for him and his family regarding the passing of
his parents. He also stated that the church plants in Washington DC were doing well. Waterfront
is averaging 400 each Sunday and Gilgal has a second church plant.
4. Eric Atkins led in prayer and Randy Bonner continued talking about Washington DC, Puerto
Rico, and Ocoee Outreach.
5. Bro. Phil asked about the Concerts of Prayer. Eric Atkins said they were wonderful, and pastors
want to do it again! Bo Dunkle had great comments and group discussion ensued.
6. Announcements were made by Bro. Phil: Claude King Boot Camp, Monday, May 14 th (9:30
a.m.-2:00 p.m., Live2Tell 3E Series scheduled for May 15 th at 6:30 p.m. Fall Meeting, October 1 st .
A host church is needed. Joey Hanner from U3 Baptist Church in Gadsden, AL , will be the
featured speaker, review of church members, Bro. Phil and Adam Hammond talked about the a
hoc team and the next MDT meeting will be July 11 th .
7. Meeting was adjourned in prayer led by Christy Johns.
June 2018
There was not meeting in June.
July 2018
1. The Ministry Development Team of CrossNet Baptist Network met on Wednesday, July 11,
2018, in the Annex Building at North Cleveland Baptist Church at 10:00 a.m. with 9 in
2. Minutes from the last meeting were presented and stand as written.
3. Bro. Phil Taylor proceeded with a devotion based on Isaiah 44:9.
4. Prayer requests were made and Bro. Phil led a group prayer.
5. Randy Bonner presented an update on Washington DC. July will be the last month to send
contributions based on the current commitment. The next church launch will be in Baltimore
Harbor in an old casino. The next step will be to evaluate this investment. He proceeded next to
Live2Tell and the next phase. Randy also talked about the mission efforts in Puerto Rico.
6. Lawrence Cotton said there were many blue tarps still visible in Puerto Rico. He also talked
about the Vacation Bible School held in Puerto Rico by Pastor Pablo and his work with the
poverty-stricken kids.
7. Randy Bonner discussed our commitment to helping “The Church without Walls.” He wants to
send teams consecutively through September. TBMB is still offering $200 scholarships.
8. Randy Bonner discussed this summer’s Ocoee Outreach missions.
9. Bro. Phil made announcements: Fall Meeting will hosted by Philippi Baptist Church on October
1 st , update on Four Point Baptist Church, two new churches wanting to come into Crossnet (New
Union Baptist and Matthew’s Table), Baptist Associations are changing the title of Director of
Missions (DOM’s),and the next MDT will be August 8 th .
10. Meeting was adjourned in prayer.