MDT Minutes 2018
January 2018
1. The Ministry Development Team of the CrossNet Baptist Network met on Wednesday, January
10, 2018 at the CrossNet office at 10:00 a.m. ET with eleven members present.
2. Bro. Phil Taylor, DOM, asked if our churches were prepared to disciple large numbers of people
should God answer our prayers and give us just 10% of the unchurch people in Bradley County.
3. Randy Bonner, Ministry Evangelism Director, gave us an update as to the disaster relief areas in
Puerto Rico stating that many trips were planned throughout the coming months. He discussed
the Washington DC partnership and the upcoming mission trip there in March of 2018. Randy
stated that the Concerts of Prayer would be taking place in our community soon.
4. Pastor Eric Atkins gave a testimony of his recent experience in Puerto Rico and how the Lord is
working there and the Gospel is being presented.
5. Bro. Phil gave further update on the ministry response to the First Baptist Church of Sutherland
Springs and the tragic shooting there. A check for $13,362.46 was mailed out via Linda Bright,
ministry assistant, at the South Central Baptist Association. This was designated to family relief.
6. Randy discussed the “How to Make Disciples Rather Than Casual Christians, Part 1” which is
scheduled to take place at Public Church. He stated that we hope to have 3 or 4 of these sessions
during the year.
7. Bro. Phil stated that we would be having a volunteer luncheon seeking to recruit volunteers from
our respective churches to volunteer in the CrossNet office for a few hours per week to every two
weeks. This is in response to the reduction in staff at CrossNet due to less income.
8. Bro. Phil talked about church revitalization and that we will be having discussions on this once a
February 2018
1. The Ministry Development Team of the CrossNet Baptist Network met on Wednesday, February
7, 2018 at the CrossNet office at 10:00 a.m. ET with twelve members present.
2. Bro. Phil noted that the Volunteer luncheon in January was a success.
3. Bro. Phil discussed church revitalization and a review of the financial reports.
4. Randy Bonner discussed the disaster relief missions to Puerto Rico, and how we have committed
to help “The Church Without Walls” in Guayama, Puerto Rico rebuild their sanctuary that was
damaged by hurricane Maria.
5. Lawrence Cotton testified of his experience on disaster relief missions in Puerto Rico.
6. Randy Bonner stated that there will be 60 of our people going on the Spring Break Trip to DC.
He noted that on this particular week in February, a group from three of our churches are going to
DC to help with “Tim Tebow Night” and a prom event.
7. Randy reported that Pastor Zach Bekele and the Ethiopian church plant has reproduced now from
one church plant to two. He has baptized seven Ethiopian believers. On the March DC trip, we
will work alongside them.
8. Bro. Phil reported that he and Randy will review the financial support reports. Bro. Phil asked
that we keep praying for unreached areas including SEND cities.