2019 Emphasis “LIFE Project”
Objectives: CrossNet Baptist Network helping churches build and maintain gospel-
centered momentum, and providing opportunities to equip and deploy churches in
evangelism and developing disciples.
What is “Life Project”? Simply put, LIFE Project is a strategy to empower churches to
help people encounter Jesus that live in or near their community.
L Look Up…Look In…Look Out.
Key components include prayer, recruiting a leader-
ship team, casting the vision and defining your community.
Identify - Survey church leaders, begin a LIFE sermon series, conduct a church-wide
LIFE project vision event.
F Focus – Conduct a community survey, note common church and community affini-
ties and decide which affinity groups emerge for engagement.
E Engage – Choose how to engage the affinity group. Potential avenues of engage-
ment could include an attractional event, ministry start, small group Bible study,
church plant, or combination of the above.
“LIFE Project” is comprised of 4 main parts, all of which need to be centered in prayer:
1. An Honest Assessment – In the winter of 2019, complete a survey with your
church leadership. Asking good questions to discover what is your church currently
doing to help lost people encounter Jesus; how effective that plan is; what is your
community’s attitude towards your church.
2. A Community Survey – In the spring of 2019, Churches take to the streets and go
door to door to complete a survey w/each resident that will help the church discover
who their neighbors are – their concerns, interests/hobbies, family life, thoughts
about your church, God and more.
Compile the information from the community survey to discover common themes,
hobbies, interests, activities, concerns, events and work affinities – allowing the
Holy Spirit to lead to a consensus affinity group.
3. Planning an Affinity Attraction Event – In the fall of 2019, plan a high quality at-
tractional event for the affinity group your targeting. Enlist a leadership team that
includes people with spiritual gifts that correspond to the various responsibilities the
event requires.