A Word From Your Ministry Evangelism Director
2017/2018 has shaped up to be an incredibly impactful year of ministry and missions
through our CrossNet Baptist Network. What a blessing and a joy it has been to serve
alongside you and to help be a resource to you this past year. On a personal note - on
behalf of my wife, Julie, our children, Josiah & Cassie and my extended family - thank you
so much for all the prayers, notes of encouragement, cards, texts and phone calls you
sent our way related to the accident and subsequent heavenly homecoming of my par-
ents, Gary & Carol Bonner back in April. We have felt God’s presence and the power of
prayer in our lives.
(for more details, checkout the full reports on these listed in this book of reports)
We initiated “Live2Tell”, a 3 year evangelism initiative to help empower our church-
es to be effective in reaching the lost in our communities and developing disciples.
CrossNet 3E Series on “How to Make Disciples Rather than Casual Christians”
in January & May (led by CrossNet Pastors; Todd Stevision, Bo Dunkle, Stan Gibson &
Adam Hammond.)
Concerts of Prayer took place in April as 22 CrossNet Churches came together to
pray in one of 6 cluster groups on a Sunday night at Waterville, Philippi, Michigan Ave.,
Candies Creek, Oak Grove & FBC Charleston.
Project Helping Hands saw more than 200 families apply for Holiday Assistance in
October that were adopted by 37 churches for Thanksgiving/Christmas food and gifts
for Children.
Ocoee Outreach highlights; 1,310 volunteers from 53 Churches, 65 home repair
projects completed, 70 professions of faith, 12 baptisms and much more.
CrossNet Disaster Relief; 25 deployments over the past 12 months, mobilizing 255
Volunteers from 24 Churches that have served in Houston, Florida and Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico DR Partnership; CrossNet has mobilized 186 volunteers on one of 16
Disaster Relief Mission Trips to Guayama, Puerto to assist a local church in community
rebuild and feeding efforts due to Hurricane Maria.
Washington DC Church Mission Trips; 3 CrossNet Mission Trips took place in Octo-
ber, February and March to assist our partnering Church Planters: Zack Randles & the
Waterfront Church and Zechariah Bekele & the Gilgal Ethiopian Church.
In His Service,
Randy Bonner,
Church/Community Ministries Director & Ministry Evangelism Director