2015 Fall Meeting Proceedings
November 1, 2015
Baptist Association.
Last year we shared with you concerning the need financially and you
responded with a 2% increase in church income.
We have many exciting things happening through the work of the
dedicated staff of the Bradley Baptist Association.
Let’s make 2016 another great year!
8. Our new MDT nominations are:
1. Mike Finnell, Thompson Springs
2. Carlanna Gill, City Church
3. Christy Johns, Candies Creek Church
4. Joe Brooks, Waterville
9. Our new ADMIN team nominations are:
Tim Edwards, Michigan Ave. Baptist Church
David Cross, Gum Springs Baptist Church
10. Paul Davis prayed over these reports.
9. The Ad-Hoc Renaming Team was introduced by Pastor Jamie Work, Candies Creek
Baptist Church.
1. The team consisted of Pastor Alan Lovelace, Waterville; Pastor Jamie Work,
Candies Creek; Pastor Shane Lawson, Parkway; Pastor David Peters, Michigan
Ave; Pastor Eric Atkins, New Friendship and Pastor Steve Huff, Mt. Carmel
2. The team was studying a possible name change for the association. If we are to
change the name, a ninety day notice is required prior to voting. A vote will be
held February 4 th .
3. Eric Atkins, Pastor of New Friendship, spoke. He noted that next generation's
passion and that we should not be bound by geographical boundaries.
4. David Peters, Pastor of Michigan Ave, spoke on the Biblical precedents for a
name change.
One's Earthly name can be changed. For example, Abram, Jacob and Saul
all had name changes to Abraham, Israel and Paul respectively. Names are
changed in preparation for a work.
Names Signify Identity. Only Jesus' name cannot be changed.
The Purpose of a name is to proclaim a message. The message of the cross
is the most important message.
5. Alan Lovelace, Pastor of Waterville Baptist, gave a presentation.
He noted his skepticism at first regarding the name change, having a “if it
isn't broke, don't fix it” mentality but after studying that there is a trend of
decline and the need to streamline great commission work, concluded we
need to be proactive about change and not reactive.
We need to unite churches who are Great Commission minded.
The new name presented was, “CrossNet: A Network of Baptist