ACTS 1:8 Missionaries
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both
in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Act 1:8
the children of the church, community and NCBC Child
Development Center. There were 300 workers and
children involved.
Trunk or Treat was a community event with games,
slides, food, horse rides, music and more. There were
approximately 250 people involved.
A Parent s Night Out was arranged so parents could
enjoy Valentine s Day.
Another community event is Easter Fest. We provide
games, slides, and Hot Dogs being provided. A
Mother’s Day Banquet with about 35 people involved.
April - Provided soup and sandwiches for donations
the Townsend Mission Trip. Also provided desserts
and hobby items for auction.
May - Collected items for Cuba medical missions.
June - Donated 21 different desserts for the Smoky
Mountain Resort Ministries.
July - Women at the Well-Collection of paper towels,
toilet paper, Walmart gift cards and phone cards.
August - Provided a breakfast for Christian Women
Job Corps.
Baptist Men on Mission
September: The BMOM built a ramp for a church
Twelve girls were involved in the New Hope
member. (4 volunteers)
Pregnancy Walk for Life and raised over $500. They
October - BMOM put up fence panels on the church
also prepared 65 breakfast bags for Orchard Knob
property and built a ramp for a church member (5
Middle School and distributed bottled waters w/Living volunteers). They also helped set up and take down
Water at the Greenway.
the back-drop for our booth at the Cleveland Block
Party and set up for Trunk or Treat. (6 Volunteers)
November - Baptist Men's breakfast with 8 men in
attendance. Helped with the Appalachian Trail Project.
Eight boys and four leaders participated in a food
(4 volunteers)
drive for The Caring Place. They also made Christmas April - BMOM Breakfast had 30 present. The men fed
cards for prisoners.
the church members involved in mission trips this year
and by helping set up for a Yard Sale to help support
their trips.
June - The BMOM built a ramp for a church member.
Several of our youth were involved in Ministry Night
(4 volunteers)
assisting with the Operation Christmas Child Boxes. In August - The BMOM built a ramp for a church
February, our church sponsored DiscipleNow with 40 member. (6 volunteers)
participants. Thirty of our youth participated one
week during the summer with
Ministry Nights
Ocoee Outreach.
NCBC scheduled two Ministry Nights during the year
with assistance to The Caring Place, our choir led
worship at Bradley Health Care & Rehab both ministry
September - Adoptive School, Denning Center feed
nights with fellowship afterwards with the residents,
their staff of 18 for lunch
Deacons served Communion with our Homebound or
October - Pastor and Staff Appreciation Lunch
Nursing Home members, packed shoe boxes for
November - Jail Ministry - Stamped Christmas cards
Operation Christmas Child, and put together gifts for
along with donating men’s and women’s white socks. Ocoee Middle School teachers. Approximately 240
December - Christian Women Job Corps graduation
people were involved in these ministries.
February - Provided lunch for the Denning Center.