Annuals 2016 Annual Book | Page 39

Baptist Collegiate Ministry CLEVELAND STATE & LEE UNIVERSITY B C M C LEVELAND Follow Jesus There are three statements that drive ministry here at Clevleand BCM. First, we want to help college students learn what it means to follow Jesus. Every week, college students gather at the BCM building for a time of intimate worship, corporate Bible study and small group discussion. Our teaching team of pastors, lay leaders and college professors does an incredible job teaching truth and challenging students to follow Christ with their whole hearts. This November, we will take nearly 60 students for an intense weekend of discipleship in Gatlinburg. We want students to walk away from their college years understanding what it truly means to follow Jesus and be involved in Kingdom work. Build Community We also want to encourage students to build significant community. BCM helps students build relationships with peers and challenges them to get plugged in to our local churches where they can serve and be mentored by multigenerational church 1475 Norman Chapel Road Cleveland, TN 37312 You may not realize it, but you are making a huge impact in the lives of college students in Bradley County. Yes. If you are reading this right now you play a vital role in the ministry of BCM. Hundreds of students walk through our doors each week and we get to share the love of Jesus with them - every single day. And we couldn’t do any of this without the support of our local churches and the CrossNet Association. So, thank you for the investment you make in this next generation of leaders. As you read through these thoughts, would you pause and pray for the students from Lee and Cleveland State that cross through the Baptist Collegiate Ministry doors each and every day? communities. Throughout the semester we plan events to attract new students and help introduce them to BCM life. This year, we introduced an event called “Bowling with Strangers” where tons of new students got connected with BCM. Change The World Finally, we want to inspire students to change the world with the good news of the Gospel. We offer opportunities for students to get involved in local, regional and international missions. Several times a year, we partner with the organization Family Promise to care for local homeless families. BCM students serve on Disciple Now teams for churches in our region and serve various congregations around Bradley County. We continue our partnership with missionaries in Nicaragua and have sent over 6o students to serve there over the past 5 years. Through SendTN Missions, BCM students have the opportunity to serve all around the globe. This past year, 6 of our students spent their entire summer on mission across the world. BY THE NUMBERS 80 Students regularly involved in Monday Night Bible Study. $15,290 Total of all student contributions to BCM missions programs. 280 Number of name tags needed for our Free Lunch Thursdays this year! Total student volunteer hours caring for homeless families during Family Promise Week. 4,500 Students heading to our Gatlinburg fall discipleship retreat. 55 6 BCM students who served as missionaries all summer long. 37