Annual Review 2013 | Page 2

“Rural America needs a vibrant Farm Bureau to advocate on our behalf. Our way of life is worth protecting and fighting for.” Minnesota Farm Bureau Re-Dening Relevance —Don and Melissa Larson, Mower County Practical Vision 4 President’s Message “The things we do as Farm Bureau members truly do make a difference.” –Brad Lanoue, Blue Earth County 5 Dues invested 6 8 10 Policy Leadership Positive Image New Website Unveiled “Farm Bureau has an exceptional array of resources to continue to help groups make the best better. ” –Ann Marie Ward, Beltrami County 2 The vision of an organization is held in part by all of its members. The practical vision is the responsive statement of hope within the given environment. It provides a sense of the destination of the effort. It tells us where we are going, what the accomplishments, outcomes, changes and results are that we are seeking by our efforts. MFBF unveiled a new look to the website. In addition to brighter colors and up-to-date technology, the new website is organized to make information easier to access and provide necessary resources to Farm Bureau leaders. Website visitors can still find information about the organization, member services, leadership, promotion, educational resources, public policy, news, events and the Minnesota Farm Bureau Foundation. 1. Policy • Solid, sound policy development, advocacy and implementation 2. Leadership • Member strengths identified and utilized • Enhanced collaboration with agriculture organizations • Effective grassroots: defined, groomed, empowered and engaged 3. Positive Image • Strengthened Farm Bureau brand • Enhanced trust with “key influencers” regarding today’s agriculture These people are making a DIFFERENCE... ASK YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO JOIN TODAY! How about you?