Annual reports | Page 26

TELECENTRE EUROPE | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 General Assembly in Brussels & Belgrade e-Participation Conference & Workshop in Brussels In 2015 Telecentre Europe held two General Assemblies. On 25 February GA in Brussels gathered 39 member representatives. A new Board was elected for the next two years. New projects such as I-LINC and E-UROPa were introduced to members, together with the latest services and resources. On 8th December Telecentre Europe organised a multi-stakeholder conference ‘Enabling Civil e-Participation in Europe’ in the European Parliament. The event was hosted by two Members of the European Parliament: György Schöpflin (EPP, Hungary) and Marju Lauristin (S&D, Estonia). The half-day conference consisted of two panels: (1) The role of ICT in active citizenship and (2) Digital literacy, access and provision of e-services. The conference was attended by 80 people from 25 different countries aimed to bring together policymakers, relevant EU officials, e-Participation experts and civic activists at national and EU levels to discuss democratic participation in the digital age. New Board elected in Brussels in February 2015 Telecentre Europe presented main achievements in 2014 and the revised strategy for 2015-2017. Members had the possibility to contribute in small discussion groups. On 24 September GA in Belgrade called on to approve important amendments in the statutes. The next day an international workshop for NGO leaders was organised by Telecentre Europe, kindly hosted by the Delegation of Catalonia to the EU. The workshop ‘The role of CSOs in enabling Civil E-participation in Europe’ brought together 40 NGO representatives, e-participation experts and civic activists. Participants in two working groups discussed issues related to accessing e-government services, structured e-participation opportunities at EU level, and ICT tools enabling grassroots citizens’ initiatives. 26