Annual reports | Page 25

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE We have focused our communication efforts in 2015 on promoting projects and campaigns, building new and strengthening existing partnerships with other associations, and increasing our visibility as well as advocacy in Brussels. Telecentre Europe’s staff members attended at least 30 events organised by EC and partners in Brussels and across Europe in 2015. We organised a networking session as part of ICT 2015 event in Lisbon. Telecentre Europe was also the official supporter of EU Hackathon that took place in Brussels in November 2015. In terms of new content, 3 infographics, 4 videos and 4 project promo collateral were produced last year. Some of the design work Telecentre Europe outsourced to its Belgian member Maks vzw. This new collaboration led to great results. One of them is a new annual conference logo created by Maks vzw designers. To produce Digital Jobs video Telecentre Europe worked with an animation agency based in Denmark ‘Level up pictures’. Being active on social media was part of the continuous communication strategy. Telecentre Europe has increased its fan-base on social media: 1,200 on Facebook, 1,263 on Twitter, and 136 on LinkedIn. Almost 800 tweets were sent reaching 300,000 Twitter users. Unite-IT community grew by 131 members in 2015 alone reaching 740 members. Communication & Events TEAC 2015 in Belgrade In its 8th year, a 1.5-day TEAC was hosted on 2425 September by three European funded projects: UNITE-IT, E-uropa and I-LINC. In 2015 the turn was given to Belgrade to host the event which was coorganised with our Serbian member International Aid Network (IAN). Altogether 143 participants came from well over 20 countries. The common theme for the 2015 conference was “Digitally empowered Europeans”, a tagline reflecting Telecentre Europe’s vision for European citizens. Due to its focus on youth employability and digital skills for jobs, TEAC15 was also on the official calendar of the European Commission’s ongoing campaign eSkills for Jobs. Conference participants had a chance to listen to keynote speakers from Serbia, Belgium and Latvia. Industry representatives from “TIETO” Ltd (Latvia) and CISCO shared their views. A panel dedicated to youth employability gathered topic experts from European E-skills Association, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Fast Track to IT, ICT Hub Belgrade and University of Washington. The aim was to initiate an open discussion within the telecentre community and continue the conversa