Annual reports | Page 21

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE Carer+: Developing digital competences of care workers to improve the quality of life of older people Completed projects The overall hypothesis underlying Carer+ project is that care workers and carers are the “missing link” between the digital tools and older people. In order to test this hypothesis, the Carer+ project has aimed to identify and develop ICT competences of care workers and informal carers (establishing a “Digital Competence Framework”) by implementing a set of learning paths and educational resources for mobile and workbased learning that address major challenges to their professionalization. In line with these ICT competences identified, the service proposed consisted of the deployment of a pervasive technological environment for self and professional development, supported by a pedagogical approach that foregrounds active cooperation (peer-to-peer and intergenerational learning). This learning environment and training programme was piloted in 13 sites across the 5 piloting countries (France, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Spain), w