Annual reports | Page 20

TELECENTRE EUROPE | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Completed projects e-UROPA: Enabling European e-Participation Telecentre Europe and its 12 member organisations in 11 countries (Albania, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Spain) created a project consortium to promote citizens’ participation in policies and policy-making through the help of ICT tools. The aim was to raise awareness among European citizens that the EU is not something that happens only in Brussels, but is actually just a click away! Period: Jan 2015 - Dec 2015 Source of funding: Europe for Citizens Programme Coordinator: Telecentre Europe Website: With intention to create a new tradition, project partners celebrated 7th May as European e-Participation Day. Over 1,700 participants attended many activities – workshops, conferences, webinars – organised in 11 countries around Europe. Here is the video summarising the day. Partners launched an online competition ‘My e-Participation Story’ to collect personal stories of citizens who have used EU or national e-Participation tools. The winners of the competition were invited to the final conference in Brussels. On 25th September e-Participation topic was part of Telecentre Europe Annual Conference agenda. A dedicated workshop invited participants to discuss the role of telecentres and the importance of digital literacy in enabling citizens to engage with public institutions online, use e-government services and influence policy-makers. The outcomes of the workshop fed into a policy paper on the topic. On 8th December Telecentre Europe organised a multistakeholder conference ‘Enabling Civil e-Participation in Europe’ in the European Parliament. The event was hosted by two Members of the European Parliament: György Schöpflin (EPP, Hungary) and Marju Lauristin (S&D, Estonia). The half-day conference 20 consisted of two panels: (1) The role of ICT in active citizenship and (2) Digital literacy, access and provision of e-services. The conference was attended by 80 people from 25 different countries. Following the conference an international workshop for NGO leaders was organised by Telecentre Europe, kindly hosted by the Delegation of Catalonia to the EU. The workshop ‘The role of CSOs in enabling Civil E-participation in Europe’ brought together 40 NGO representatives, e-participation experts and civic activists. Participants in two working groups discussed issues related to accessing e-government services, structured e-participation opportunities at EU level, and ICT tools enabling grassroots citizens’ initiatives.