Annual reports | Page 16

TELECENTRE EUROPE | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Ongoing projects FIT4Jobs: Promoting the successful FIT “Training for Employment” (TFE) model across Europe FIT4Jobs is a European-funded piloting programme based on the successful FIT model of upskilling job seekers and connecting them to employers. The project has originated from an official pledge made by FIT to the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. Period: Nov 2014 - Apr 2016 Source of funding: European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS Coordinator: FIT Ltd. Ireland Website: The objective of the project is to recreate the FIT model in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Latvia and Lithuania, together with partner organisations from six EU countries. The long-term vision is that this model, if tested, could prove to be viable in participating countries achieving over 100,000 job placements per year in Europe. FIT (Ireland) is leading a consortium of entities from Greece, Spain, Portugal, Latvia and Lithuania with coordination support from Telecentre Europe. In 2015 each country partner planned the selection of trainees for the pilot and provided ICT skills training based on the feedback received from the industry partners and employers. Successful trainees were offered job placements in participating companies after the training. Each partner was implementing the training model with slight variations and has chosen to work with companies and training providers relevant for their country. So far the results suggest 16 that the project pilot was successful and in some countries like Spain 75% of trainees found an employment afterwards. The ‘Training for Employment’ TFE model has been the basis of FIT training over the past 15 years and has demonstrated a 75% progression rate. It is strongly anticipated that the learning from this project will be viewed positively by national governments and the European Commission and considered favourably in future related strategies and policies.