Annual reports | Page 15

ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | TELECENTRE EUROPE I-LINC: The Platform for ICT learning and inclusion for youth employability and entrepreneurship Ongoing projects I-LINC is a Support Action funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, with the main objective of establishing a sustainable, overarching platform for ICT (for) learning and inclusion, focused on boosting the employability of young people. The I-LINC platform will be the meeting point for stakeholders to constructively discuss and design socio-educational e-solutions and policy options to modernise education through ICT, provide inclusive alternatives to formal education developed by the non-formal education sector and Third sector, and create a new “digital” path for employment for young people. Telecentre Europe is leading the implementing consortium that also includes: • European Schoolnet (EUN) • TU Dortmund University/Social Research Centre (TUDO/sfs) • Telefonica. Highlights of the activities carried in 2015 by the project consortium: ① Developed the platform online infrastructure available at, a go-to for anyone with a professional role and interest in the topic of youth employability and how it can be enhanced through formal, non-formal or informal ICT education. The online portal is the key tool of the I-LINC platform and it is designed with the end-user in mind, whereby stakeholders will have the opportunity to share and exchange best practices and initiatives, connecting them mutually and motivating them to collaborate and jointly tackle the challenges. ② Performed a context analysis, surveying more than 200 stakeholders. ③ Organised two face-to-face workshops: • Empowering youth for employability, Belgrade, 24th September. The workshop explored what different stakeholders can do to empower young people for employability, how each organisation tackles the issue and who needs to work more with whom. Period: Jan 2015 - Dec 2017 Source of funding: Horizon 2020 Coordinator: Telecenter Europe Website: • Digital skills inside and outside of the classroom, Brussels, 6th November. The workshop managed to put into practice a model of engaging different stakeholders with the aim of achieving greater collaboration and synergies. ④ Organised two Wikinclusion sessions on • Framing digital skills. Questions addressed: How do we define digital skills? Why are digital skills relevant for all of us? Which specific skills shall young people enhance? What are the most relevant skills to boost employability? Are we lagging behind in terms of skills needs? • Measuring and assessing digital skills. Questions addressed: How shall digital skills be assessed? What are the current methods for the measurement of digital skills? How can the measurement of digital skills contribute to better policies for the development of these skills? ⑤ Published a position paper, following the first I-LINC workshop on youth employability. 15