By being an active stakeholder member of the
ET2020 Working Group on digital skills and
competences (WG DSC).
The ET2020 working groups are a mechanism for exchange
of good practices between EU countries and for providing
input into the European Commission’s initiatives in the field
of education and training. Their primary aim is to facilitate
exchange of experience between education ministries of
Member States, though stakeholders such as ALL DIGITAL,
EuropeanSchoolnet, ECDL Foundation, Lifelong learning
platform, EDEN and other bodies. The Working Group is
a channel both to influence the EU policy agenda, and to
connect with policy experts at national level. ALL DIGITAL
has been an active member of the Group, presenting our
members’ role in, for example, bridging the gender gap in
By organising study visits with EU policy makers to
local digital competence centres.
In 2017 we organised two study visits to the premises of
our members working with various disadvantaged groups
in Brussels (Interface3 asbl and MAKS vzw). The first
visit took place in January 2017 and was with member of
Commissioner Navracsics’s cabinet, Rodrigo Ballester. The
second was with the members of the ET2020 DSC working
By writing position papers on current policy initi-
atives and contributing to public consultations. In
2017 we focused on media literacy, on recognition of
digital skills and on employability and entrepreneur-
ship of young people. We developed the following
policy papers and recommendations:
ALL DIGITAL’s contribution to the Digital
Education Action Plan – which has been
distributed to the EC - http://all-digital.org/
The role of MEDIA LITERACY in the
promotion of COMMON VALUES and SOCIAL
INCLUSION - http://all-digital.org/wp-content/
Future of the European Digital Competence
Framework - http://all-digital.org/wp-content/
Contribution to the public consultation on
the Review of the 2006 Framework of Key
Competences for Lifelong Learning - https://
By representing our members and providing input at
various key stakeholder events