Projects completed in 2017
Operating grant
period: January 2015 – December 2017
source of funding: Erasmus+ KA 3 Support for Policy
Reform – Civil Society Cooperation in the Field of
Education and Training
beneficiary: ALL DIGITAL
2017 was the last year of the three-year framework
agreement of our operating grant from the European
Commission, funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
The operating grant allowed us to implement our core,
statutory activities such as Board and Advisory Board
meetings, General Assembly, Annual Summit; contributed
to the employment costs of key personnel, and provided
additional funding to a number of key activities. In 2017, with
the support of the operating grant, we implemented the
following activities:
EU policy in the fields of education, employment,
digital technologies, citizenship and innovation, and
collected evidence from members on a continuous
basis and brought it to policy level
ALL DIGITAL Awards: our annual recognition to
organizations and professionals in the field of digital
inclusion and who bring digital opportunities to
people in their communities
General Assembly in Brussels (March)
European Affairs Service: the other side of the policy
and advocacy coin, we informed members about
current developments in EU policies, providing them
with opportunities to participate in pan-European
Four face-to-face Board meetings in Brussels (March),
Malta (June), Barcelona (October), and Brussels
(December) and one Advisory Board meeting in
Brussels (December) 10. I-LINC stakeholder platform on ICT for Learning
and Inclusion for youth employability and
entrepreneurship (www.i-linc.eu)
3. Annual Conference in Barcelona (October) 11. 4. European Get Online Week (www.getonlineweek.eu) 12. Membership development
5. Maintaining the Skillage online self-assessment tool
(www.skillage.eu) 13. Revision of the strategy and re-branding
Study visits and trainings for members: aimed at
knowledge sharing between member organisations,
three bilateral study visits among members based on
mutual interest took place with the support of ALL
Policy monitoring and advocacy: with the main
objective to raise the profile of digital competence
centres in the policy debate as key actors in
providing digital skills to everyone, we monitored
Supporting National Digital Skills and Jobs Coalitions
As can be seen, the operating grant annual work plan
reflects both statutory activities, and key thematic project-
related activities. At the end of 2017, we applied for the next
three-year framework agreement for 2018-2020. The new
work programme keeps most elements from 2017, but also
introduces new activities, such as coding for inclusion.