Projects completed in 2017
CodeMob - Teaching coding and mobile devices in telecentres
period : October 2015 – October 2017 source of funding : Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education coordinator : ALL DIGITAL website : http :// www . codemob . eu
The CodeMob project responded to identified needs for developing an innovative training curricula and providing training courses on coding and the effective use of mobile devices in telecentres .
These topics were particularly relevant for young jobseekers . Therefore the objectives were twofold : firstly to enhance the digital competences of unemployed young people ; and secondly to enhance e-facilitators ’ competences by training them how to deliver these courses .
We involved 17 e-facilitators from four countries who participated in blended learning including face-to-face training and online learning . More than expected , 125 young job seekers took part in the pilot training , delivered by the trained e-facilitators .
The development of the training curricula was preceded by a desk research for similar courses and curricula across Europe , and a thorough needs analysis of the target group . The CodeMob curricula was presented and validated at an international workshop held in Brussels in March 2017 .
To implement the blended learning training programme , an online training platform was developed . The platform , available through the CodeMob project website , is aimed to be also used by other e-facilitators , outside of the Consortium and of those who already participated in the programme .
In October 2017 a “ Do It Yourself ” toolkit was published for telecentres and other educational and training organisations . It presents the CodeMob curricula , introduces the online learning platform , and also gives practical tips on how to implement such training programmes in digital training centres .
The project was implemented in partnership with four ALL DIGITAL member organisations : Interface3 ( Belgium ), Telecentar ( Croatia ), ComNet ( Hungary ), and Colectic ( formerly El Teb , Spain ); with the methodological support and quality insurance by the Technical University of Dortmund ( Germany ).