Annual Report v1 | Page 37

GOLF CLUB • KEW Ray Doherty Scholarship Fund For the Eight Months Ended 31 March 2014 The following information is unaudited Eight Months Ended Twelve Months Ended 31 March 2014 31 July 2013 $ $ Income Member Donations 1,425 2,455 1,425 2,455 Expenditure Tournament Entries - (329) Physical Program - (2,107) Biomechanical Analysis - Psychology Skills - (1,000) Technical Coaching (60) (3,219) General Expenses - (60) (6,655) Net Income 1,365 (4,200) Plus Balance B/Fwd 10,090 14,290 Fund Balance 11,455 10,090 Competition Fee Income and Expense For the Eight Months Ended 31 March 2014 The following information is unaudited Eight Months Ended Twelve Months Ended 31 March 2014 31 July 2013 $ $ Competition Fee Income Provision for Prepaid Comp Fees 79,782 118,499 Members Guest Comp Fees 6,459 9,568 86,241 128,067 Direct Expenses Trophy Vouchers and Golf Balls (51,690) (83,429) GST Rebate on Trophy Expenses 7,146 6,514 Trophy Repairs/Engraving/Purchases (10,605) (7,718) Hole in One Expenses (583) (1,755) Presentation Night/Other Expenses (1,182) (8,622) Scorecards, Printing and Stationary (8,772) (10,409) Syllabus Printing (6,390) (7,568) Ladies Bowls - Net Expense (721) 465 Honour Board Updating (1,463) (398) Handicap Maintenance, printing and postage (3,778) (3,827) Staff Training (1,045) (1,739) (79,083) (118,486) Net Income/(Loss) 7,158 9,581 35