Annual Report v1 | Page 36

Detailed Profit and Loss Account For the Eight Months Ended 31 March 2014 The following information is unaudited Eight Months Ended Twelve Months Ended 31 March 2014 $ Clubhouse Expenditure Payroll Costs (56,563) Repairs (15,311) Cleaning (34,530) Depreciation (244,745) Total Costs (351,149) Course Expenditure Payroll Costs (395,433) Course Maintenance (158,507) Petrol and Plant Maintenance (48,194) Irrigation and Drainage (11,894) Tree Maintenance (20,684) Depreciation (127,618) Other Costs (5,812) Total Costs (768,142) Administrative Expenditure Payroll Costs (288,993) Property Expenses (36,290) Insurance (25,780) Printing, Postage and Stationary (29,902) Telephone (12,719) Computer Charges (20,769) Credit Card Facilities (18,555) Audit and Legal (15,144) Clubhouse Redevelopment - Depreciation (6,137) Other Costs (59,314) Total Costs (513,603) 34 31 July 2013 $ (84,656) (37,668) (14,919) (349,339) (486,582) (533,456) (255,093) (75,834) (47,292) (22,100) (219,322) (5,812) (1,158,909) (434,825) (44,951) (35,879) (45,523) (19,745) (27,639) (29,061) (13,381) (11,053) (113,096) (775,153)