Annual Report v1 | Page 13

GOLF CLUB • KEW Statement Of Cash Flows Prudent financial management and a focus on Cash provided by Operating Activities amounted delivering our strategy is essential. Membership to $1,398,825 for the eight month period. Capital retention and member support of the Club investment was a modest $88,961 having focused continues to be important in the delivery of the on only essential items during the period. Club’s financial plan. 2014/15 subscriptions, based on a full 12 month A budgeted Net Profit is planned for 2014/15, and receipt, assisted to deliver the $1,013,045 cash inflow cash flow generated will continue to pay down this period. Surplus cash funds repaid drawn bank debt. The Club is committed to retiring Member borrowings. Debentures at the conclusion of the next fiscal year. THE YEAR AHEAD Member based golf clubs continue to be challenged within the golf industry, and members have been challenged by recent uncertain economic and political times. So while the financial position of the Club is buoyant, and debt reduction is on track, the Board remains vigilant to changing circumstances. Peak Net Debt is forecast to be $533,000 in February 2015. I would like to thank Peter Busch and Callum Terrill and their team for the support provided throughout the year; this has assisted not only me, but the Board, and members’ interests generally. 5