Annual Report 2023_FINAL | Page 20

Dialogue Magazine
Through Dialogue , our magazine for Ontario physicians , we featured articles about medical practice and
regulation in 2023 .
we updated the Human Rights in the Provision of Health Services policy to require registrants to take steps to create and foster a safe , inclusive and accessible environment by incorporating concepts of cultural humility , cultural safety and anti-racism into their practices .
Public Register
In 2023 , as a result of a governance review , we enacted by-law changes that will modernize our public register to enhance its accessibility and ease of use by the public . A subset of the changes approved in September at the Board of Directors Meeting went into effect on March 1 , 2024 , with the remainder pending the development of a new public register .
A new public register will launch by the end of 2024 . It will offer users enhanced search capabilities so information can be found more easily and will use the latest and most secure cloud-based technology to enhance cyber security .
Health of Physicians
The medical profession is , beyond a doubt , in a state of crisis . Among other challenges , the practice of medicine involves an increasingly heavy administrative burden . Work related to charting , third-party forms , tracking down lab results and following up from patient appointments can extend well past the workday and negatively affect work-life balance . With fewer health professionals to help shoulder the burden of care , physicians are at a constant risk of burnout . As a result , many are reducing their practice size and scope or even leaving medicine altogether , exacerbating an already critical situation . This reality creates a significant risk to accessible and safe patient care , health outcomes and patient satisfactions . Through our Dialogue publication , we shared our insights on the extraordinary pressures facing registrants and suggestions to offer some relief .
Tomorrow ’ s Doctors
Ensuring that the next generation of registrants have a solid understanding of medical regulation before starting their own practices is vital to their success . To that end , representatives from CPSO often participate in opportunities to engage with Ontario medical school students and address questions about issues such as professionalism , the nature of complaints and how to maintain appropriate boundaries with patients .
Government Relations
In 2023 , CPSO engaged with the Government of Ontario on initiatives to reduce barriers to entry to practice for physicians . CPSO ensured stakeholders were aware of new legislative changes enabling inter-jurisdictional mobility for physicians and select other health professionals through “ as-of-right ” registration .
CPSO also engaged regularly with both government representatives and the Canadian Association of Physician Assistants ( CAPA ) on the regulation of physician assistants , which is work that will continue in 2024 .