All 39 Outof-Hospital assessments in their five-year cycle were completed and reviewed by the Premises Inspection Committee
Quality Care
Right-touch regulation has led to modernization throughout the College . In 2022 , we focused on aligning our two facility inspection programs with the principles of right-touch regulation to ensure the public interest is being effectively served .
The Out-of-Hospital Premises Inspection Program ( OHPIP )
In improving the effectiveness of OHPIP as a whole , modernization efforts included changes at the operations level , committee level , and to the Program Standards that outline the core requirements that must be met when performing specific procedures in Out-of-Hospital Premises ( OHPs ).
CPSO met its target of assessing all 240 IHF facilities in 2022
All 39 Outof-Hospital assessments in their five-year cycle were completed and reviewed by the Premises Inspection Committee
In 2022 , we accomplished the following in modernizing OHPIP :
1 . Aligning the broader regulatory approach with right--touch regulation , including a focus on areas of greatest risk ;
2 . Launched the draft program standards to increase clarity , align with external standards and allow physicians to exercise their professional judgement ;
3 . Coordinating and leveraging existing regulatory tools , such as existing standards , policies and clinical practice guidelines ( e . g ., holding individual physicians practising in OHPs accountable for compliance ), the role of Medical Directors ( e . g ., expanding oversight and responsibility ), the quality monitoring and oversight regime offered by OHPIP and the Premises Inspection Committee , and , finally , the inspection process .
In keeping with right-touch regulation , CPSO is moving away from prescriptive or detailed standards to more principle-based requirements , where possible , and focus on areas of greatest risk to patients . The draft standards will come before Council in 2023 for approval .
All 39 Out-of-Hospital assessments in their five-year cycle were completed and reviewed by the Premises Inspection Committee .
Independent Health Facilities Program ( IHF )
The IHF program has received a similar refresh . Over 2022 , we worked with the Ministry of Health regarding their modernization aims to improve inspection coordination , explore alternative accreditation models , partnerships , and enhance staffing and assessor models to manage volume .
CPSO met its target of assessing all 240 IHF facilities in 2022 .
CPSO sets practice expectations for Ontario doctors . This enables the public and patients to be aware of what they should expect when receiving high quality care from a physician .
In order to keep expectations current , we identify when standards of practice , policies or guidelines need to be updated or when new guidance is required . When updating expectations , we consider relevant evidence , changing public expectations , risks to the public , and alignment with other relevant health professions . This process includes consideration of feedback from relevant stakeholders , including patients and their families .
In 2022 , we consulted and / or approved the following practice policies :
> Virtual Care ( new policy – approved ) > Social Media ( new policy – approved ) > Dispensing Drugs ( approved ) > Decision Making for End-of-Life Care
( consultation ) > Medical Assistance in Dying
( consultation ) > Human Rights in the Provision of Health Services ( consultation ) > Conflicts of Interest and Relationships with Industry ( consultation ).