Annual Report 2021 | Page 6

6 00 Letter from the President

Letter from the President

In 2021 , Spanish companies proved its extraordinary resilience , its ability to face challenges and their eagerness to transform in order to overcome the devastating economic consequences brought about by COVID-19 .
During the pandemic , they have been the primary social shield to combat the crisis and Spanish entrepreneurs have proven their social leadership in such times of hardship .
The Chamber of Commerce of Spain , at the forefront of the chamber system , boosted its activity in 2021 in order to accompany and support Spanish companies , particularly SMEs , in the necessary process of transforming and adapting to the demands of the 21st century to overcome the crisis .
The pandemic has been disruptive . It has marked a before and an after , which has required us all to change , to exert and to improve ourselves . On this occasion , overcoming the crisis will be linked to a far-reaching change in the way we do things .
People , companies , administrations , have to rethink our way of acting , reinvent our businesses , reassess the way we handle our relations with our stakeholders . Companies and entrepreneurs are confronting