Right-Touch Regulation in the Pandemic |
Within hospitals , the prospect of the health-care |
system being overwhelmed by patients requiring |
acute and critical care resources was an everpresent |
concern . On social media , misinformation |
about the safety and necessity of vaccines was |
rampant . There were also indications that the |
isolation of lockdown was exacerbating the opioid |
crisis . Members of the public and the profession |
turned to the College for guidance . We responded |
by : |
Developing and updating COVID-19 FAQs in real time to provide flexible guidance in light of the realities of practising in a pandemic ; |
Conveying our expectation that virtual care is meant to complement in-person care , not replace . Some patients and conditions cannot be |
– should it be needed – should be followed despite potential conflict with existing policy expectations ; |
Guiding physicians on the issuance of medical exemptions for COVID-19 vaccinations ; |
appropriately treated virtually ;
Recognizing the toll the pandemic is taking on
Supporting more flexible prescribing practices of controlled drugs and substances in line with |
Communicating and explaining how the directives issued from the Chief Medical Officer of Health applies to all regulated health professionals ;
Providing guidance on the provision of safe inperson care to patients ;
physicians and collaborating with other medical organizations to ensure seamless connections to timely support ;
Recognizing the significant and real risk that ICU utilization rates presented for the health care system , we communicated that the implementation of a critical care triage protocol
Health Canada exemptions and new guidelines from CAMH in order to promote social distancing ;
Responding with a new Registration policy following the Medical Council of Canada ’ s decision to cease one of its qualifying exams .
Photo : iStockphoto . com |