Annual Report 2018 | Page 2
2 | ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018
The difference
we make
WE support the Burdekin community to sustainably
manage natural resources, including land, water and
ABN: 18 101 770 601
biodiversity. These resources underpin our regional
economy and way of life.
PH: (07) 4799 3500
FX: (07) 4799 3593
Our work
[email protected]
We are an independent not-for-profit
focused on working landscapes.
Published by NQ Dry Tropics Ltd
trading as NQ Dry Tropics.
© 2018 NQ Dry Tropics Ltd
The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair
dealing for study research, news
reporting, criticism or review.
Selected passages, tables or diagrams
may be reproduced for such purposes
provided acknowledgement of the
source is included. Major extracts
of the entire document may not be
reproduced by any process without
the written permission of the Chief
Executive Officer, NQ Dry Tropics.
Photos supplied by NQ Dry Tropics
staff and contractors and the
Great Barrier Reef Authority Image
Please reference as:
NQ Dry Tropics 2018, NQ Dry Tropics
Annual Report 2017/2018,
NQ Dry Tropics, Townsville.
We aim to create a legacy for future
generations built on:
• living landscapes – healthy and
productive land, water and biodiversity
• local livelihoods – profitable primary
production to support vibrant regional
economies; and
• cohesive communities – resilient
social fabric to sustain our valued
way of life.
Our passionate and expert staff enjoy
Senior Grazing Support
Officer Brendan Smith (left)
with grazier Luke Woodhouse
at Mt Wickham Station.
close and long-held relationships with
government, industry and science
bodies, landholders, community groups,
and Traditional Owners.
• support landowners to build resilient,
sustainable and productive businesses
while minimising environmental
• deliver projects that reduce nutrient
and sediment runoff to the Great
Barrier Reef;
• work to maintain and restore biodiversity
and rehabilitate coastal ecosystems;
• connect and coordinate government,
corporate and community partners
to shape policy and investment, and
leverage effective outcomes;
• provide regional leadership, with
clear strategic focus and a strong
community voice;
• drive behavioural change towards
best practice management of land,
water and biodiversity resources;
• support community and landcare
groups to build their skills and capacity;
• support and encourage Traditional
Owner involvement in planning and
on-ground projects; and
• link individuals and community groups
with funding opportunities.