Minutes of the 57th National AGM
10 & 19. Motions
Tr. Christopher clarified that there is no contradiction of any rule and the rule clearly states
that no person can be nominated for two posts in same year. Tr. Harish asked for clarification
as both IPP & IRO are voting members and this would curb sitting President to file for IRO for
subsequent year. Tr. Dhruv mentioned that 2 elected posts are not allowed and a note can be
added that if IPP becomes IRO, he will have only 1 vote. Tr. Harish mentioned that President
can resign from IPP post for subsequent year and file for IRO.
The motion was put to vote and was carried.
Updated Motion:
IRO shall be an elected member and shall fulfil the criteria for an elected Head Bard
member. In addition to the above he should have attended 2 International meets (1
World Meet and Any one of ASPA, WM or HYM) and should been a part of 2 NEX Boards.
Proposed by NEX
Motion affecting the constitution Area Code Section D Clause (i)
Requires Simple Majority
As per the current rules an Area can have a maximum of 20 Tables. On exceeding the same, the
Area is expected to reorganize in order to ensure that the limit of Number of Tables per Area
remains equal to or less than 20. It is proposed that in future an Area can have a maximum of
25 Tables. On exceeding the same, the Area will be expected to reorganize only when the limit
of Number of Tables per Area remains equal to or less than 25.
Over the years transportation facilities / infra have drastically improved including better road,
rail and air connectivity between Tables/ Tabling Centers thereby enabling the Area Chairmen
and Area Board Members to travel easily to the Tables / Tabling Centers within their Areas.
Similarly Tablers within the Area are also able to Travel easily between Tabling Centers due to
better transport facilities compared to the distant past. Also over the years technological
breakthroughs including email, mobile phones, apps, sms etc have simplified the mode of
communication between the Area Board and the Tables thereby enabling easier and efficient
flow of communication both ways. As a result it is felt that the Area Board is in a position to
handle upto 25 Tables and yet do justice to the same. Inter- Table Participation is also likely to
increase with broader numbers. Lastly Round Table India is growing and expanding at a rapid
pace and it is important that consolidation of existing Areas are done from time to time. In this
context the flexibility to increase the limit from 20 to 25 Tables will enable such consolidation.