Minutes of the 57th National AGM
10 & 19. Motions
Updated Motion:
IRO shall be an elected member and shall fulfil the criteria for an elected Head Board
member. In addition to the above he should have attended 2 International meets (1
World Meet and Any one of ASPA, WM or HYM) and should been a part of 2 NEX Boards.
Tr. Venkataramani PHRT167 asked if budged will go up. Tr. Dhruv mentioned that IPP budget
will be split and IRO where it will be used for IRO travel. Tr. Venkat asked if post is for 1 year or
2 years - Tr. Dhruv clarified that it is for 1 year. Tr. Vivek Dalmia request the year when this will
come into effect: Tr. Dhruv mentioned the next year IRO will default and from 2020-2021 IRO
will be elected. Tr. Sahil clarified if the President can be nominated for IRO. Tr. Dhruv clarified
that President can take up the role of IRO after his President tenure. Tr. Manan asked if
President has not travelled for the International meet. Tr. Dhruv clarified that the above
conditions have to be fulfilled - 1WM & 1 ASPA/WM/HYM.
Speakers FOR Motion:-
Speakers AGAINST Motion:
Tr. Siddharth Menon PRT81mentioned that in-depth knowledge about RT India is required and
every President has travelled across the globe for international meets and is well connected
and IPP is the best fit for IRO. Tr. Swaraj RT199 felt that sitting president just taken over filing
for IRO would not be fair and should have a gap of 1 year before filing nomination. Tr. Vimal
CART133 mentioned that and criteria cannot equate to IPPs experience and if NP worked for
3-4 years to work there, he can take up responsibility for another year.
Right to Reply:
Tr. Christopher Arvinth mentioned that IRO role required 6 months of planning and 12/300
Tables are Twinning projects and a dedicated person can do justice to International Relations.
Being the worlds largest association with max projects, funds raised - we still do not have
International presidents in the recent past and this is a window of opportunity for an IRO to
become International president.
Tr. Sachin Shah raised a point of order - as per rules, 2 jewels cannot be held. Tr. Dhruv
mentioned that in case IPP becomes IRO, he will not hold IPP jewel. IPP is a default post and
not elected post. Tr. Sachin mentioned that IPP is a voting member. On seeking clarification
from Tr. Dhruv that only one jewel can be held i.e. IPP or IRO, Tr. Sachin withdrew the point of