Annual Report 2017 | Page 31

2017 Website Statistics +2.7 million VISITORS (+2.6 million in 2016) Communication Video +9.6 million VISITS (+9.3 million in 2016) +52.3 million PAGE VIEWS (51.6 million in 2016) In 2017, we launched a new animated whiteboard video, called “Getting Communication Right with Your Patients,” narrated by deputy register Dan Faulkner. This video identifies communication problems between doctors and patients as a leading cause of complaints to the College, provides tips to physicians on how they can improve their communication skills, and outlines other College-related resources on the matter. Video is available for viewing at communication or on our YouTube channel. Most Visited Pages: 1. The Public Register/ Doc Search 2. The Homepage 3. Members’ login 4. Medical Records policy 5. About Us page Fast Fact Medical Assistance in Dying was the most requested presentation topic at outreach events in 2017. CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2017 // page 31