Keeping the public safe is at the heart of what
we do. In 2017, the College took a number of
steps to better protect Ontario patients.
Over the last several years, the opioid crisis
has had devastating consequences for
individuals, families and communities. Like
all health-care regulators around the globe,
we are deeply concerned about the impact on
patients and communities.
While prescription opioids are an important
and useful therapeutic tool for select patients
with certain conditions, prescription opioids
carry risks, even when prescribed and
used appropriately. Addressing the opioid
crisis requires system-wide solutions and
collaboration amongst government agencies,
health-care educators, regulators, physicians
and other health professionals to ensure
patient well-being and public safety.
In 2017, the College developed a strategy
that identified and committed us to a specific
action plan within our area of responsibility of
medical regulation. The plan was grounded in
our steadfast commitment to improved patient
and public safety.
We took a four-pronged approach that reflects
our mandate, namely to: Guide; Assess;
Investigate; and Facilitate Education for
Ontario’s doctors. The strategy is supported
through effective communication and
collaboration with physicians, the public and
health-system partners, and using data and
analytics to inform prescribing practices and
our regulatory responsibilities.
The objectives of the College’s Opioid Strategy
are to:
Facilitate safe and appropriate opioid
prescribing by physicians to patients,
Protect patient access to care, and
Reduce risk to both patients and the public.
The College uses its investigative authority
when in receipt of information about potentially
concerning prescribing practices inconsistent
CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2017 // page 18