Member Report
Pinawa Trail Association (PTA)
The Pinawa Trail Association has been busy this past fall and winter
on a number of projects. Thanks to a Trails MB Maintenance Grant
we have shored up the end of a walking bridge that was sagging and
slipping down a channel bank. We have completed a dual trail
between the Pinawa lagoons and the Seven Sisters dike so winter
traffic is two-way (National Trails Coalition Project). It was signed as
a shared trail for walkers, hikers and snowmobilers and the north side
has a finished tread as the TCT. Some spots require more topping at
the Whiteshell Park boundary and just east of the lagoons. This will
be finished as soon as it dries up.
The TCT designed and fabricated some attractive distance signage for
us and these 15 signs will be installed this Spring.
Sample sign showing distance to 4 major entry points.
Our partners, The Pinawa
Friends of the TCT, have
been collecting data with
their new EcoCounter and
this will assist in grant
procurement and direct
maintenance funds to
heavily used sections.
The Pinawa Trail is 100% connected from the Seven Sisters Generating Station
through the town of Pinawa to the Pinawa Dam Provincial Park.
Annual Report 2016-Trails Manitoba p.11