Finally, we’ll do more to increase people’s awareness of our biomedical
research. We’ll capitalise on people’s interest to support our fundraising
efforts. We expect to launch a major fundraising appeal and publish
more-engaging content on our website.
A key highlight this year will be implementing the Accessible Information
Standard that, since late summer, has committed the NHS, across the UK, to
learn about and accommodate the communication needs of patients. We’ll
be working to make sure that people confronting deafness and hearing loss
take full advantage of this welcome development.
In parallel, we’ll continue our work to empower people, so that they have
better access to key areas of life, including employment. We’ll make
them aware of their rights – and help them access these rights – and help
providers make the changes needed.
We’ll also publish groundbreaking academic research into what really works,
when you’re encouraging people to take action on their hearing loss. We’ll
then design and pilot practical interventions.
To achieve these aims, we’ll:
Continue to grow our fundraising, inspire more people to care about hearing loss – and
do something about it – and use our new database to improve our relationships with,
and service to, supporters.
Provide the highly effective products and services that directly and indirectly improve
the lives of people confronting deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss.
Build on improvements to our systems and processes, particularly in Finance
and Human Resources, and continue to operate the safe and secure legal, operational
and financial infrastructure that’s so essential.
Make sure the organisation is financially healthy and sustainable so that we can deliver
what we promise.