When Barney arrived two years ago at Barron Winnicott in Bath,
he was reluctant to leave his own room or get involved in any activities.
Since then, our team has offered him opportunities and reassurance, and
he’s gradually built up his confidence. Now he goes up to staff, to get
help to arrange a haircut, or to go out.
Barney’s made huge strides in becoming more independent:
he now understands how to keep himself safe and goes shopping on
his own. He’s excited at taking part in the art and craft workshops our
Educational Day service runs.
His social worker, Barbara, says:
“Since Barney has been living at Action on
Hearing Loss, he’s achieved many goals
and learned numerous new skills. The way
he engages now is a clear indication of, not
only his enjoyment and happiness, but also
how settled he is. The staff have helped
Barney to find his feet, to become a more
independent person, and to make choices;
they’ve listened and respected his choices.
They’ve built a relationship based on trust.”
“The staff have listened to Barney
and respected his choices.
They’ve built a relationship
based on trust.”
In August 2015, we supported Barney on a
trip to London. He was quite nervous but,
once on the train, he relaxed and enjoyed
the journey. He explored London, including
riding on the London Eye. He also went to
see STOMP in the West End. Barney has a
small amount of hearing, so he could hear
the loud clanging and banging. When he
got back to Baron Winnicott, he couldn’t
stop telling everyone how much he enjoyed
himself. So what started with trepidation
ended as a great success!