Finding new ways
to communicate
and advocate
eople want to participate in the decisions that affect them.
This makes sense. After all, if people have a voice in the
matters that impact them – whether it is decisions about
their medical treatment, or the development of policy
that affects their medical practice – there will be a stronger sense of
investment in the process or outcome.
In fact, we believe our efforts are more fully realized when we tap
into the collective knowledge and wisdom of all our stakeholders –
the public, the profession, the government and health-care organizations. When all the players in the system are involved in change, the
resulting action will be more successful and lasting.
What You Tell Us Matters
Patient views and experiences with respect to College processes and
practices is a very valuable source of information in terms of evaluating our performance.
To find out how we can do better, a brief survey was developed
for complainants who have been involved in our investigative and/
or discipline processes. The survey was conducted to assess their
satisfaction levels with College processes and to accordingly identify
possible areas for improvement and enhancement.
Specifically, we were looking for feedback about various factors,
Annual Report 2014 27