1 Shortened decision release times. The
average decision-release timeline was 8-11
weeks, a decrease of 3.5% over the previous
year. This was accomplished despite an
increasing volume of cases.
4 Strengthened ICRC decision-making
processes and practices with tools to help
committee members make consistent and
reasonable decisions. These include reference
guides, information sheets and FAQs.
2 Prioritized cases based on severity.
In 2014, 46 investigations were identified as
high-risk, more than double the number of
high-risk matters identified in 2013.
5 Piloted online assessor training modules.
The assessors reported finding the modules
very helpful.
3 Continued to implement abbreviated
investigation strategies for less serious matters,
with a more robust streaming of “frivolous
and vexatious” complaints. ICRC deemed 200
complaints as “frivolous and vexatious” in 2014,
compared to 66 in 2013.
6 Conducted more pre-hearing activity,
resulting in a 50% reduction in the late
cancellation of hearing days in 2014, as
compared to the prior year. This resulted in a
cost savings.
7 Recruited 204 new assessors for
investigations, a 51% increase over the
number of new assessors in 2013.
Dr. Brenda Copps,
Council Member
On The Horizon
• How many charts are required to accurately assess a physician’s quality of care? Historically, we have used about
25. We are going to study whether it can be fewer.
• We will explore the feasibility of electronic hearings.
Technology offers the promise of a more cost-effective
and efficient way of conducting hearings.
• We will test a risk-based approach to case assessment
and decision-making. A simple tool has been developed
that will assist panels in deciding whether to take action
on a single complaint, with a view to minimizing potential risk to a future patient.