Lucinda’s Experience
Lucinda Morrish, Manager Relationship Services Dubbo, shared her experiences of the program.
What was the major highlight of the program?
The highlights for me were the Governance presentation, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test and Meg
Wheatley’s ‘Becoming Warriors of the Human Spirit’ perseverance entails strong connections and
unity of values and practices. It was a great reflective process in terms of self, role, team, organisation
and the system as a whole, both inside out and outside in.
What did you gain personally from the program?
Reassurance that the space I come from is a committed Interrelate employee who supports the
culture and vision of Interrelate.
Which part of the program has helped you the most in your role?
Overall the program created the opportunity for all managers to connect. It enabled me to
conceptualise more clearly the future focus of service delivery and the need for structures to support
growth and best practice.
Lucinda Morrish
Manager Relationship Services Dubbo