5 years
Mark Hinder
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Central Coast
Mary Cruse
Contact Worker, Children’s Contact Service
North Coast
Matt Stubbs
Head of Research & Service Development
Head Office
Melanie Bale
Head of People, Culture & Performance
Head Office
Merran Montgomery
Manager, Family Relationship Centre
Central & Far West
Rebecca Dale
Client Services Officer
Greater Sydney
Sue Waterhouse
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Central Coast
Tondi Gilfillan
Counsellor North Coast
Management Development Program
Both Strength to Strength and the Cultural Survey highlighted that a key focus area for our staff
was a desire for more training and career development. As a result, this year Interrelate’s managers
participated in a ten module Management Development Program. The program objects were to
focus on leadership and management development in three ways:
1. Extending self as a leader/manager and the understanding of role/place in the organisation
and the system of which we are part
2. System and organisation, seen from the inside out and the outside in, at both operational and
strategic levels
3. Tools, concepts needed to manage for now and the future. The future we desire to create for
ourselves, our organisation, our sector and most importantly our clients
The program was attended by all 40 managers across the regions and a commitment was made to
continue to run this program on a bi-monthly basis, to allow the management team to continue to
develop their skills and knowledge in critical management areas.