ScotlandAs1 - MakeItHappen
National Volunteer Recognition Awards
The eighth annual National Volunteer Recognition Awards ceremony was held on Saturday 2nd February in
conjunction with the 2012-2013 Scottish Cup Finals.
basketballscotland welcomed shortlistees for each category and their guests to a ceremony where the winners were
announced and formally rewarded. Community Manager Chris Dodds hosted the ceremony, with the help of special
guest, 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games Volunteer Coordinator Rona McIntosh, who made an inspiring speech
about volunteering at the Commonwealth Games.
Chief Executive Officer Kevin Pringle spoke about the importance of volunteer recruitment for the development of
the game in Scotland and thanked all volunteers present for their commitment and dedication to their respective
We would like to congratulate all those who were nominated and shortlisted. The number of nominations received
this year shows that the work done by our volunteers is valued by their peers and does not go unnoticed.
Award winners this year were:
School Age Volunteer of the Year - Neil Rowan- City Of Edinburgh Basketball Club
Young Volunteer of the Year - Jack Burgess- Stirling Knights Basketball Blub
Wheelchair Basketball Volunteer of the Year - Shirley-Anne Duff - Lothian Phoenix Wheelchair Basketball
Club and Wheelchair Basketball Development Group
Volunteer of the Year - Rob Blackhall- Perth Phoenix
Ronnie Mather Contribution to Coaching Award - Ben Gunn- City of Edinburgh Basketball Club
Douglas Bader Contribution to Officiating Award - Ian Gleghorn
Chairman’s Award - Peter Duncan- Stirling Knights Basketball Club
25 Years Long Service Awards -Graeme Lawrence - Beacon Basketball Club, Tina Cummings - Highland
Basketball, Alison MacLean - Highland Basketball
Special Recognition Award (For lifetime achievement to Basketball) -Stevie Duff, Willie Cameron.
NVRA 2013 Winners .
Responsibility - Dedication - Teamwork - Progress