Family Literacy: The Carlos Rosario Family
Literacy Program provides classes to immigrant
parents eager to improve their parenting and life skills
through standards-based English language instruction.
Classes are held at different DC public school sites for
those who are from diverse backgrounds and who
have varying levels of English language fluency. Built
into the theme-based curriculum are opportunities for
parents to work with their children on language-rich
activities in the classroom and at home, to participate
in free book distributions for children, to receive
Parents and children completing a project together
instruction in the Carlos Rosario computer labs, to
explore their communities through field trips, and to
receive assistance from the Supportive Services Department. The program is specifically
designed to help parents of students at each of the selected sites learn about their children’s
schools and about the US educational system, become more effective advocates for themselves
and for their children, participate in school activities and interact with teachers and staff, acquire
skills and resources to support academic success in the home, and become more active in their
Computer Literacy