Board members have unanimously supported the Capital Campaign through personal
pledges, and also provide other types of in-kind assistance such as public relations and
community networking on behalf of the Carlos Rosario Charter.
The Board and School Leadership ensures the
effective implementation of school design:
The Board of Trustees is essential to the success of
the organization. Board of Trustees members have
consulted regularly on mission-critical issues such
as Accountability Plan revisions, planning for the
school’s accreditation process, and budgetary
planning. These consultations have provided the
school invaluable insight and guided the school to
To complement the Board, school leadership
has a tremendous wealth of expertise and over 30
years of experience in adult education. Thus, the
school leadership has an intimate and strong
understanding of the school’s design as well as what
it takes for its program and services to be successful.
Requests from other schools for guidance in
replicating the Carlos Rosario School model
in other states across the nation are a compelling
indication of the wide recognition of the
administration’s expertise and success.
The new building accommodates increased enrollment.
The Board ensures strong and stable school leadership: Through the visionary leadership of
Sonia Gutierrez, the Board of Trustees has governed a school that has consistently upheld
exceptional performance and stability. The Board of Trustees unanimously supports the school’s
Executive Director, Sonia Gutierrez, who is a nationally recognized leader in adult education and
has passionately led the school for the past 35 years. Along with Ms. Gutierrez, the school’s
Board supports the structure of a solid team of managers with complimentary training in business
administration, finance, linguistics, education and counseling. The management team members’
areas of expertise complement each other and the members perform productively as a team, a
quality that has been instilled by the leadership of Sonia Gutierrez.
Under Ms. Gutierrez’s leadership, management team members demonstrate significant
experience in community involvement. Team members have served and continue to serve on
various boards and committees at the local and national level in such a way that serves to
strengthen the management team’s knowledge and decision-making. For example, the Carlos
Rosario Charter is a founding member of the DC Public Charter School Association and Allison
R. Kokkoros, Deputy Director, serves on the Board of the Charter School Association. Also, Dr.
Hugo Galindo, Assistant Director of the day program, has been selected to participate in a
national initiative on adult learning disabilities, called Bridges to Practice, sponsored by the
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Annual Report SY 2005-2006
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