Annual Report 2005-06 | Page 19

The second part of the retreat addressed the “Rules of Engagement” of the Board. The Board discussed the importance of setting term limits as well as the possibility of expansion. A committee was formed to set membership guidelines as well as update the bylaws so that they reflect these guidelines. The committee reported their findings to the full Board of Trustees at the next meeting, and the board approved changes to the bylaws that included: the board shall include two students and term limits of three years were established; the board shall establish a meeting calendar during the annual meeting of at least two meetings per year; the conditions for removing a trustee; adding a Vice-President position to the list of officers; the establishment of both a Finance Committee and a Nominating Committee; and the addition of a conflict of interest policy. Meetings during School Year 2005-2006 August 19th, 2005 November 7, 2005 March 27, 2006 The Board sent two representatives to this year’s National Council of La Raza’s Annual Conference. Board Treasurer Brahim Rawi and President Jane Garcia attended several workshops and networking events as well as meeting with participating staff. They also represented the Board as recipients of the Ford Motor Company sponsored Affiliate of the Year Award. Carlos Rosario School Leaders Accept the NCLR Affiliate of the Year Award. Organizational Performance: Governance Meetings and Board Structure: Throughout the school year 2005-2006 the Board continued its work tackling challenging issues such as Board structure, school visibility, and strategic planning. Carlos Rosario Charter’s Board of Trustees held three meetings and two committee meetings during school year 2005-2006. Minutes of the Board’s meeting have been submitted to the Public Charter School Board as required. Meeting minutes over the course of the school year reveal a significant growth in tackling issues such as board structure, the establishment of new board committees, school visibility, and strategic planning. Board members are recommended by the Executive Director and other Board members based on their expertise in a particular area and their contacts. They of course have to be approved by the entire Board. While there are no specific requirements, the school makes a concerted effort to attract a diverse membership, focusing on community members who are bilingual and multilingual, have a familiarity with issues facing immigrants, and offer a Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Annual Report SY 2005-2006 - 18 -