Annual Report 2005-06 | Page 13

6. Staff Attrition Rate:* Given the experience and professionalism of the staff on board and the organizational stability that it ensures, its not surprising that the staff attrition rate for the eighth year of operations was only sixteen percent. One teacher has worked with the school for more than 30 years. See Appendix A for additional staff data. 7. Salary range and average salary for teachers and administrators:* The potential salary range for teachers is $36,000 to $61,991 and the average teacher salary is $48,125. The potential salary range for school administrators is $55,000 to $90,000 and the potential range for central office administrators is $40,000 to $125,000. D. Student Characteristics 1. Number of students enrolled, by grade level:* The school enrolled 2,907 students over the course of school year 2005-2006. For a breakdown of students enrolled by level over the course of fall and spring semesters, see Table Three (3) below. Table 3: Number of Students Enrolled by Level LEVEL STUDENTS Orientation A/B Orientation A Orientation B ESL 1 ESL 1A ESL 1B ESL 2 ESL 3 ESL 4 Computer Literacy Workplace Computers GED Preparation (Spanish) GED Preparation (English) Citizenship Preparation 89 103 284 428 236 192 618 558 433 100 42 112 23 81 TOTAL 2,907 The numbers above represent all students enrolled in the Fall and Spring semesters except those who were either reinstated or taking a second class. 2. Student attrition rate:* This rate does not apply to the Carlos Rosario Charter School. Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Annual Report SY 2005-2006 - 12 -