A n n ua l Report 2021 Y ear in Review
Member Trail Group Updates
Rossburn Subdivision Trail
Flying Eagle Link Trail , the trail connecting RSTA with the Riding Mountain National Park through the Rossburn Municipality moved ahead . Most of the building itself is done , the structures for the signs are mostly set up and trail head signs as well our 15 interpretive signs are designed and ready to be set up . The Pandemic made things slower than anticipated , our officially opening had to be delayed to 2022 and looking at all the snow , a decision on a date will be taken after the spring thaw . TCT , the Province of Manitoba , Rossburn Municipality , Fusion Credit Union and Twin Valley Coop made this project happening , we are so thankful !
Erickson Water Tower project is in the “ applied for funding ” stage . If approved we will make use of the foundation of the water town used originally by the railway to create an additional amenity along the trail . A deck with interpretive signage telling the story of the area with a rest area is planned . The local input and support has been great so far
Canadian Parks and Recreation Association grant opportunity made something possible , we hadn ’ t done other than in the very early existence of RSTA : We were able to hire a student ! Waywayseecappo resident Kobe McKee was hired and board member Eric Mentuck took on the mentor position . He helped with the new trail and also practiced his trail building skills with Eric on trails within Waywayseecappo First Nation
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. rossburnsubdivisiontrail . ca Instagram : rossburnsubdivisiontrail Facebook : RossburnSubdivisionTrail
Stanley Trail Association
Stanley Trail in southern Manitoba is part of the
Trans Canada Trail . 2021 was a big year for our group ! In spring myself and several other volunteers established a new 2km section of single track . The work was done over the span of several months and took a total of 170 combined volunteer hours to complete . Some unique features of the trail include a natural log ride and optional rock drop entry .
We also ordered replacement " Trans Canada Trail " signs and resigned the entire trail , plus added some signage in areas that were lacking . Founding members of the association commented on how the trail has never been as well marked as it is now .
We were also able to hire two youth with help from the Project Learning Tree grant , this was a first for our organization and greatly helped in keeping up with maintenance . Each worker put in roughly 150 hours over the summer on tasks such as , line trimming long grass , " brushing " back hedge type vegetation , replacing and repairing bridges , etc .
Finally , we have also been collaborating with Morden , Winkler and RM of Stanley on some future project ideas which are still in the developmental stages , but significant progress was made to get things off the ground .
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Stanley Trail
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TCT Stanley - Jeff Scott