Annas Cosmetics Your Ultimate Guide For Skin Rejuvenation | Page 9
The anti-ageing concept has many components . One of the ingredients is Uracil which is a great anti-oxidant . That is , it will help your body to rid itself of the negative contents it may be carrying through air pollution , passive smoking or just a poor diet and prevent them from being absorbed into the skin . All of which degrade the skin in many ways . Also , there is Tryptophan which aids the building of proteins for your skin ’ s strength and growth ; therefore , becoming and looking a healthier person . These together aid the whitening of skin to give a purer , clearer complexion . Other beauty benefits include the production of new cells for healthy skin . It is these new cells that rejuvenate our skin for us , giving a younger appearance . Additionally , this product improves the immune system to aid the skin ’ s combative nature and it increases the skin ’ s ability to withhold moisture .
To combat the wrinkled , sagging effects of age , the human placenta extract promotes the production of collagen throughout the body to smooth the skin back to the younger you . This also reduces the detrimental effects on the eye that we know as ‘ bags ’. Collagen is the naturally produced substance that is produced under the skin which pads it to remove wrinkling and sagginess . However , the body loses the ability to produce collagen as we get older . Additionally , moisture is needed to maintain healthy looking skin and this product contains amino acids , vitamins and minerals to do just this .
Human Placenta Extract - The Young ’ s Goodness
The anti-ageing concept has many components . One of the ingredients is Uracil which is a great anti-oxidant . That is , it will help your body to rid itself of the negative contents it may be carrying through air pollution , passive smoking or just a poor diet and prevent them from being absorbed into the skin . All of which degrade the skin in many ways . Also , there is Tryptophan which aids the building of proteins for your skin ’ s strength and growth ; therefore , becoming and looking a healthier person . These together aid the whitening of skin to give a purer , clearer complexion . Other beauty benefits include the production of new cells for healthy skin . It is these new cells that rejuvenate our skin for us , giving a younger appearance . Additionally , this product improves the immune system to aid the skin ’ s combative nature and it increases the skin ’ s ability to withhold moisture .
To combat the wrinkled , sagging effects of age , the human placenta extract promotes the production of collagen throughout the body to smooth the skin back to the younger you . This also reduces the detrimental effects on the eye that we know as ‘ bags ’. Collagen is the naturally produced substance that is produced under the skin which pads it to remove wrinkling and sagginess . However , the body loses the ability to produce collagen as we get older . Additionally , moisture is needed to maintain healthy looking skin and this product contains amino acids , vitamins and minerals to do just this .