Annas Cosmetics Your Ultimate Guide For Skin Rejuvenation | Page 10

Human Placenta Extract - Rebuilding the Skin Scientists have now been able to extract the goodness from human placenta to enable our skin to rejuvenate into its younger form. As we get older, our skin loses the ability to maintain its youthful appearance. It’s lacking in certain substances that help to provide the sponge under the skin called collagen. The protein builder tryptophan is needed to produce collagen and it this that helps to make our skin look smoother and younger. The protein also helps with the skin tone to produce that overall younger look. This Human Placenta Extract rebuilds the collagen to return the skin to its younger form. Additionally, our skin becomes unable to maintain hydration, so the moisturizers we use become ineffective. This treatment addresses this and returns the skin ability to absorb and retain necessary moisture. The addition of vitamins and minerals aid a healthy, radiant looking skin and not just a smoother one. One of the ingredients of the human placenta extract is Uracil which removes the negative substances from deep in our skin that have collected over time. This is known as an anti-oxidant, so it clears our skin of any every day pollution that may be present that external soaps cannot. For example, air pollution, junk food and any chemicals we may use in our skin in the form of soap, moisturizers, lotions and even detergents that we use for our clothes. The anti-oxidant carefully extracts the negative parts and leaves the positive to flourish and grow. Therefore, without these negative elements, our skin can thrive with radiance.