Anime Reign Magazine | Page 34 Pokémon X And Y - By Damien Riley How can I describe this game other than, “The Greatest handheld game to be created to date”? I’m not sure I can, but I’m definitely going to try. This PG rated Pokémon game is the first meta-game for the 3DS which came out on the 12th of October worldwide. Also coming out on that day was a special promotional Torchic which had the hidden ability “Speed Boost”, which increases the speed of Torchic (and its evolved forms) at the end of every turn and will also be holding a special stone caled Blazikenite, which allows it to Mega Evolve when it’s a Blaziken. A Speed Boosted Blaziken (Torchic’s final evolution) is illegal for use in tournaments, but lots of fun to use against friends in casual battles. Let me just start by saying, THESE GRAPHICS ARE AMAZING! Right from the get go, these beautiful graphics are put into perfect effect and the 3D is really shown off. One of the many great features of this game are the new Pokémon. Many people think that being able to customize your character is more important.... and I don’t completely disagree. its can be up to five Pokémonnow and they don’t have to be the same Pokémon either. Another new way to battle is the Sky-Battle. A sky battle is, as you may have guessed, a battle that takes place in the sky. This means that you can only use Pokémon that are Flying-Type pokemon or pokemon with the Levitate ability. One Pokémon that CAN do this without being either of these is Mega Charizard X. Mega Pokémon are a new form that can only be brought out in battle by pokemon holding the correct Mega Stone, however, to limit this power boost, you can only Mega Evolve (that’s what it’s called) once per battle. None of the new Gen VI Pokémon are going to get one however. Some Pokémon will have a Mega Evolution that differs between Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, but don’t worry too much, Mega Stones can be traded between games. Page 19 The music in this game is so smooth, it feels like you’re listening to a brand new CD for the very first time. With doors that you see open before you enter and gates that open as you get near, this game is full of movement and amazing moments that will leave your jaw hanging wide open in amazement. The battle style reminds me of my days using the Nintendo 64 to play Pokémon Stadium (but with far better quality). When a Pokémon faints, you see it faint. When a Pokémon attacks, you see a proper attack come from them and even Bulbasaur’s vines coming out to attack your Pokémon (whatever it may be). Horde Battles are a new way of battling that was introduced in this game. It is a lot like in Pokémon Black 2 an PokémonWhite 2 when two pokemon would appear in the dark grass every now and then. The difference is that, I started my journey with Tank, the Chespin, the new grass-starter. There had been a lot of leaks before the game was released which made people who had already decided on their starter change their minds. My mind wasn’t swayed though, so I set forth and battled new Pokémon, such as Bunnelby, the Digging Pokémon and Fletchling, the Tiny Robin Pokémon. I eventually got to my new neighbor, Serena, who gave me some pokeballs so I could go and catch some new Pokémon. Anime Reign | Issue 2 | 2013